Did you have a wonderful pancake dinner Tuesday??? We sure did! Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday celebrates the beginning of Lent (pre-Easter Season) and refers to a day when a thrifty housewife would use up certain food items in the house to prepare for the Lent Fast (which would start the next day). Pancakes are a great way of using up those items. I just love to have the pancakes to celebrate the beginning of Easter season.
Here are some "Lent Facts":
- It lasts 40 day’s from Ash Wednesday to Easter (Sundays aren’t counted)
- "Lent" comes from a old Anglo-Saxon word meaning "springtime"
- 40 day's came from the 40 days Jesus fast in the wilderness.
- The color for Lent is PURPLE ( the color of royalty).
- A time for repentance, scripture reading, & self-examination.
- A time of commitment (or recommitment) to Christ.
- Lent was originally a period of fasting & scripture study prior to a person's baptism which occurred on Easter weekend.
- Lent is mentioned first in history by Irenaeus (180 AD)
- Lent is not mentioned in the Bible. Christians use it as an opportunity to strengthen their faith.
- Instead of a Fast, some people give up something they enjoy, like “chocolate”.
How about you? Are you giving up anything for Lent???
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