Thursday, July 31, 2008

Field Shot

A year ago someone mentioned there may be a bear in the area (a small one). We giggled and said "sure". My husband caught this on his field camera. Unfortunatly, the camera dosen't have a very fast shutter speed (sorry for the blur). Click on the "read more" button below to see the "Rated-R" one! I just couldn't believe it!

We couldn't have caught this if we were trying. My hub and I laughed till we cried!


Marsha said...

And I'm worried about a little ol' snake (skin)! I don't know about the bear but I know what I would be doing in the woods if I met this fella!

Of course from the next set of photos, he may be more of a lover than a fighter!

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

And then three, four five or even six.

Great shots!

Anonymous said...

I'm too young for this site.

Unfortunately it reminds me of a scene in "The Bear". I didn't envy the parents of the child beside me who had questions.

Anonymous said...

@_@ Bear!!! Not sure if I should say cool or not. To see a bear roaming around like that :P

Pardon My French said...

Yeah, I'm with Gabrielle. How many bears you think you got in that there holler? I cannot, cannot believe that you got the second shot. Hilarious.

SandyCarlson said...

What a capture!

Markus Latva-aho said...

Oh my, what a candied camera shot you have taken! Quite interesting actually. Happy week end!

Markus Latva-aho said...

Oh my, what a candied camera shot you have taken! Quite interesting actually. Happy week end!

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is incredible!!!!! You guys must have died when you saw that.K wants to know where you got your field camera.


Anonymous said...

Holy Cow Batman... What a catch,

2sweetnsaxy said...

I'm don't live anywhere where I would see a bear. I don't know what I'd do. I don't know if that other pic should be rated "R" or "X". LOL!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wonderful shots. I'd probably be real scared but I'd love to see a bear in the wild too - as long it is a nice teddy, ;o)
Happy weekend!

Arija said...

What a shot! Wish you'd had a video camera. A rare sight indeed.
At their Vt. week-ender my parents in law had a black bear trail through their garden and up the ravine, you were always a little wary when mushrooming there or berrying. If you respect each other it is possible to co-habit peacefully.