Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I can’t believe he’s 20. Oh my gosh!!! I'm so proud of him! It's amazing to think about our journey together. And the wonderful people who helped us along the way. It seams like just yesterday that I found out I was expecting. Not in a traditional way. I was an unwed senior in High School with no plans for parenthood at the time . . .

I saw a young mother in a local grocery store soon after I found out I was expecting. Her child was about 6-8 months old. The child was dirty with no shoes on and only wearing a diaper. The mother was fussing at him and the child was crying. They looked poor and so unhappy. I decided right then–that wouldn’t be us.

Don’t get me wrong. We were still poor for quite a while. We lacked many things through the years (including maturity). At the time I brought him home, he had a chest of drawers in his tiny little room which had a few socks, a few shirts and 4-5 pair of pants leaving most of the drawers empty. I remember baking cookies with him as a toddler. I’d let him stir the batter and I acted so excited about the cookies. But what I was really doing was trying to keep us warm by the stove because the house was cold. For Christmas one year I got together a bunch of happy meal toys, wrapped them and stacked them like a pyramid to make it look like there were a large amount of presents under the tree.

I thank GOD for all the wonderful family members and friends who surrounded us like a host of angles sent from above to help us on our way. These people filled our drawers with clothing, our belly's with food, and our hearts with hope and love.

I cherish these memories. Hard times they were but time like these can be full of love and special moments. I felt like we were a 2 person team. I loved the hikes we went on - just the two of us! Oh, how I loved to foot wrestle with him on the couch and going to scout meetings and the ball games over the years. I could cheer for him for hours. He was so well mannered, well spoken, smart, athletic, and he had such an awesome attitude! We both leaned so many things together.

I can’t imagine my life without him. I’m so proud of him. He’ll always be special to me in a way that words can not explain. It’s funny to think how at the time I felt we had nothing. But on the contrary – we had it all! Just he and I, and a host of angles to help us along the way. The perfect recipe for success!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet post, congrats on your handsome grown son. Reading made me think of my kids. How it goes so fast. Wonderful that you have all these great memories together. You must be so proud. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

I agree with mrsbear that it's a very sweet post.
The both of you must have gone through heaps together.
I'll be equally proud of him if I were you.
All the best to the future for both your son and you :)

Anonymous said...

What a great post. I never had any children but can still appreciate your pride and joy in your son. The years go so fast.

MaR said...

What a wonderful post and memories!! My only son is also 20...!

MaryAnn Ashley said...

My kids are 2&3, so 20 seems like another life time. I know it will go by fast, and I am reminded to savor the years & expierence the full blessing that my children are.

Your post was great... handsome sone:)

Anonymous said...

You have always been a wonderful mother and a great friend. Your DonDon was always a sweet boy. He's now a great man and he is what he is because of you.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful tribute to your young man. It is a little hard when they grow up isn't it?

Kelly said...

What a handsome young man! I know that you should and must be very proud!!! Great post and enjoy your blog very much! Can't wait to spend more time and look through it more later on!

Neva said...

You are very lucky ad very determined. I admire all that you were able to accomplish at the timei life must've seemed unbeleivabley overwhelming.......a very handsome son....congratulations.

TheHappyEat said...

You gave him just the foundation he needed. In addition by your building him up, you were allowing yourself the gift of positive self talk as well. I love the quote, "whether you think you can or think you can't, You're Right."... You're children really are the best, Kathy. You were born to be a good mother. Also a good sister.

Anonymous said...

That was very touching--you always did have a talent for describing your feelings. I can't ever seem to be able to say what I am feeling. Being a mother however, I can certainly see where you are coming from and you should be proud! I will always cherish our time together and all the things we shared and learned.


Alvis said...

Congratulations to both you and him.

Pardon My French said...

As you know I've always been a fan of his! This is a really sweet, touching post that shows your love.