Tuesday, February 10, 2009

California Here I Come!

I leave Saturday for business at Asilomar Conference Grounds, CA (which is near Pebble Beach). It's quite beautiful there. Here's a photo from my last visit.


Carver said...

That looks so inviting. I hope you have a wonderful trip.

Anonymous said...

California dreaming...sigh...

Happy WW :)

Bonny said...

This is where aI would love to be ...RIGHT NOW!!! It looks so much more inviting, relaxing and warmer than here on the west coast of Canada. It's blowing really hard winds and it's cold, no snow ...yet.

Great photo! I hope you have a great trip and will get s chance to relax at least a little bit.

Mama Duck said...

Beautiful indeed, I hope you have extra time to enjoy it ;).

jams o donnell said...

Ah to be beside a sunny beach! Happy WW

Anonymous said...

Lovely! I'm sure you're going to have a lot of fun there.

Anonymous said...

have fun! happy ww.

MaryAnn Ashley said...

Hope you have a good conference... the photo is amazing, beautiful blue & whites, a print you would see in a beach cottage.

BTW I cooked some of the stinging nettle & it was pretty tasty. I knew my tongue wouldn't burn, but I was still a little nervous. A little adventure in eating:)

Alvis said...

The blue of the ocean is magnificent. And the path really leads you into the picture.

Pardon My French said...

Have fun! That is a beautiful photo...I wanted to post one of Ella that I took the other day but they were all out of focus. I need more practice! Honestly someday when I come home I want to look through your pix and see if you'll let me print one of them out so I can put it up on our walls (where they belong, hee hee). Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could to a beach this weekend =)

Mojo said...

Oh I could handle that. As I always say, a bad day at the beach is still better than a good day at work!

Nice shot!

Anonymous said...

A beach that looks real nice and romantic to spend time at :)

Lori said...

Great shot. Yep, it looks like home..Happy WW:)

Dora said...

Looks like a cool place to visit...Singapore is so hot now...

p/s: the dishes taste good when go with plain porridge in a hot weather.
Thanks for ur visit.

An Unlikely Retirement said...

Beautiful! One of my favorite spots in the world.

JO said...

Wow! This picture is simply awesome!
